Note: from Oct 2021-June 2022, the podcast was known as 21 Jump Scare and was organized in a slightly different fashion, with different awards.

(spoiler-free) 0:00-15:40
Discussion (spoiler-heavy) 15:41-31:04
Awards (spoilers for days) 31:05

Director Terence Fisher
Screenplay Richard Matheson, based on the novel by Dennis Wheatley
Featuring Nike Arrighi, Paul Eddington, Charles Gray, Leon Greene, Rosalyn Landor, Sarah Lawson, Christopher Lee, Patrick Mower

Opened: December 18, 1968
Budget: £285,000


Arriving home in his private plane, the dashing Rex van Ryn meets up with his friend, the stately and aristocratic Duc de Richleau, and the two travel together to the home of Simon, a young man with whom they have planned a fond reunion. Simon, the son of a friend of the Duc and Rex’s, is found to be home, but has seemingly forgotten about the reunion, instead having planned a meeting of what he calls an astronomical society. Simon introduces the Duc and Rex to the head of the society, one Mr. Mocata, and a young woman who seems familiar to Rex, Tanith Carlisle. Something doesn’t seem right to the Duc; there’s satanic panic in the air, and a quick scan of Simon’s upper floors proves his hunch correct. Two chickens are stowed away in a basket, waiting to be sacrificed. Dispatching Rex and Tanith to the country home of the Duc’s niece Marie and her husband Richard, Rex, Tanith, the Duc, and Simon find themselves falling in and out of the clutches of Mocata, and soon, the Devil himself.


Music from “The Devil Rides Out” by Philip Martell.



The Tom Six Award for Most Disturbing Scene
Bradford:  Mocata insinuates himself into the Eaton home and begins manipulating the characters
Eric:  Rex binds Tanith “for her own protection”
The Seth Brundle Award for Most Likable Character
Bradford: Duc de Richleau
Eric:  Duc de Richleau
The Ellen Ripley Award for Character that Most Deserved to Live
Bradford:  The Countess
Eric:  An unnamed member of Mocata’s coven
The John Doe Award for Character that Most Deserved to Die (and Does)
Bradford:  Mocata
Eric:  Mocata

The Gaspar Noe Award/Ken Russell Award for Most Gratuitous Screen Moment
Bradford:  [Pass, nothing in film is gratuitous]
Eric:  The mysterious appearance of the black “devil” in the observatory